- We reached a consensus for '(a)' by matching it with number 1.
우리는 1번은 a가 답이라고 합의하였습니다.
- I rate customer.
나는 고객에게 욕설을 퍼부었다.
- If customers are dissatisfied they won't come back.
고객이 만족하지 않으면 그들은 돌아오지 않는다.
- Do you want plastic surgery?
- Do you want to have plastic surgery?
- Do you want to get plastc surgery?
- Do you want to undergo plastic surgery?
성형수술 하고 싶은가요?
- Can you replace extra fee?
- Will there be an extra fee for replacement? (더 나은 표현)
돈으로 돌려받으시겠습니까?
... or re-ordering?
아니면 다시 주문하시겠습니까?
- Are you aware that your company owns us $600?
- Has anyone told you that your company has outstanding payments of $600?
- Did you happen to know that your company has an outstanding balance of $600?
당신의 회사가 아직 지급하지 않은 600달러에 대해 알고 계십니까?
- I'll explain there are two options.
- I'll explain you have two options.
- I'll explain we have two options.
- I'll explain we've got options.
(선택할 수 있는) 두 가지 방안을 설명해드리겠습니다.
- I think it's(or 'this is') good for customer, but not good for street vendor.
제 생각에 그것은 고객에게는 좋지만, 길 가의 상인들에게는 좋지 않은 것 같습니다.
(good 대신에 useful, nesessary, profitable 등의 형용사로 활용 가능)
- I don't have preference.
50:50. 반반.
- Thanks for listening.
- Thank you for your attention. (좀 더 formal)
참석해 주셔서 감사합니다.
- Dose anyone have any questions?
- Would anyone like to ask any question? (좀 더 formal)
- I often stay in the office until 6 or 8pm
나는 대게 6시 혹은 8시까지 근무한다.
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